How to choose the perfect diamond

How to choose the perfect Diamond

Diamond is a natural mineral, the hardest on Earth. The four most well-known quality criteria for assessing a diamond are popularly called “4C”, in English for Carat (Weight), Color (Color), Clarity (Purity) and Cut (Size or Cut).

Diamonds are present in the most important moments of our lives. Each diamond is a world and unique because of its characteristics and precisely because of the interesting combination between its four variables approved by the main diamond certification body IGA (American Gemological Institute), it is internationally accepted to certify the code and value of the four variables.

The cut or size is what allows the light to reflect and refract optimally, making the diamond a light box. These are the main sizes. If you see the round is called bright because it is the one with more facets getting a higher brightness. We consider a very good quality carving when it is proportional to the brilliant ideal. Good when it goes away more than 5%. Average when the deviation is 10% and deficient when it is asymmetric.

Clarity with it measures the purity of the stone. How many and where are the stains and impurities, both inside and on the surface. They are the fingerprints that nature leaves in the diamond and help the experts to distinguish them from the synthetic ones and imitations with the magnifying glass of 10 times that the expert has. Today there are treaties, within the small quilatajes, where the impurities have been bombarded to lower their cost.

The color. The spectrum and diamond color ranges from yellow-brown to colorless, the scarcest and also the most valuable. Some have an exceptional color like green, red, blue, pink … they are fancy diamonds and more expensive than whites. The color of the diamond is graduated on a scale that starts at the letter D and goes down the more color the stone has.

The weight. It is expressed in carats, (0.20 gr) as curiosity coincides just with the weight of the seeds of the carob tree and each carat is divided into 100 points, so a diamond 25 points describes one of 0.25 carats. Know that carats do not determine the value being a feature more influenced by the four variables.

Currently we could talk about a fifth feature that prints “Character” to the diamond that can give life or turn off. They are the right proportions in the size and polish of the facets.